We understand that the workspace plays a very important role in contributing to work efficiency, VINACONS E&C has built a spacious and airy working space, along with multi-purpose facilities such as canteen and cafeteria, resting area, local housing allowance, etc. The company is also fully prepared with modern equipment, state-of-the-art labor protection uniforms to help each employee feel secure to work.
VINACONS E&C builds standards that affirm the VINACONS-ER. The distinct principles of VINACONS HUMAN help to guide us in our decisions, the way we behave and the way we serve our customers. These principles are the basis to help VINACONS-ER firmly step on the journey to conquer the heights.
Kindness: We build a culture of kindness at VINACONS by working and acting with sincerity, integrity and dedication.
Professionalism: We understand that our products play a great role for the development of the clients, the community and the society. Therefore, we are always dedicated to working towards completion and perfection.
Efficiency: We bring our customers satisfaction by making all efforts to get the job done in a simplest way while still meeting the strict requirements and standards of our customers.
In the journey to success, VINACONS E&C not only aims to build its brand as the leading professional contractor in the field of construction, but also makes constant efforts to create a dream work and life balance environment. With the motto "STAFF IS FIRST PRIORITY", VINACONS E&C always cares about health, shares love to create VINACONS-ERS that develops comprehensively in all aspects: physical, mental and emotional.
SPIRITUAL LIFE CARING: Your spirit is the heart of VINACONS E&C
The top concern of the company leaders is to take good care of their employees’ spiritual life to ensure everyone has time to rest after a hard working day. And since “far-from-home” is one typical feature of the construction industry, accommodation is available in all offices and projects for employees’ convenience and comfort which helps bring effective work results.
SALARY AND ALLOWANCE: The most competitive in the market
The quality of life of VINACONS E&C employees is our top concern. We always carefully consider to ensure a quality life for each employee and their family when working on the salary, bonus and allowance regime.
ANNUAL COMPANY TRIPS: We always try to offer great moments of relaxation outside of work to our employees
Annual company trips are most interested at VINACONS E&C every year. After the hard-working months, trips are organized in an abundant way to help employees relax and rest, in order to regenerate energy to complete the great goals of both individuals and the Company in the near future.
VINACONS E&C always opens the door to welcome potential, enthusiastic and passionate candidates from all over the country to join the VINACONS E&C family.